Converse, Vans and all classic sneakers we´ll always love Cool and timeless.

Woman wearing classic Stan Smith sneakers with skirt.

In the last years, we’ve seen a lot of different sneaker trends. There were dad gym-shoes, ugly sneakers, sock trainers, platform sneakers, and so on. But nothing compares to the best classic sneakers that have been cool for decades and will never go out of style. So, we have a list of the best models … Read more

Did Freddie Mercury influence fashion?

The legendary Freddie Mercury marked an era not only with his music but also with his flamboyant style in the ’70s and ’80s. Indeed, Freddie Mercury and fashion is a story apart. We bring here all the facts about Freddie Mercury’s fashion style and his subversive way to dress that influenced a whole generation. Freddie … Read more

The Queen’s brooch warfare at its best 

Queen Elizabeth II and Donald Trump in a guard parade wher she is wearing a palm leaf brooch

Throughout history, women have not always been allowed to freely speak their minds, and this is still true in certain parts of the world or depending on the position you hold. The Queen of England for instance, cannot talk publicly about her political beliefs. So, in this case, the Queen’s brooch has the microphone. Exactly, … Read more