&Other Stories Flash Sale – Chicness auf der High Street finden

collage with a flower and a model wearing double breasted jacket

Der Beginn einer neuen Saison ist immer ein Highlight, aber seien wir ehrlich, der Herbst ist der ultimative Mode-Spielplatz. Die Luft kühlt gerade genug ab für Lagenlooks, und plötzlich verschwindet das Make-up nicht mehr von deinem Gesicht. Aber was setzt dem Ganzen die Krone auf? Ein &Other Stories Flash Sale im frühen Oktober. Wir sprechen … Read more

#CloseEyeOn: Vasquiat, the best Spanish fashion designer online shop 40% off.

#CloseEyeOn/ Vasquiat, the online shop with the best Spanish fashion designers co-founded by Blanca Miró.

Who wouldn’t love to discover new brands and secure the latest luxury fashion pieces before anyone else and, on top of that, only pay a fraction of the price? As incredible as it may sound, we know where this dream can come true. Vasquiat is an online shop where you can find a fantastic curation … Read more

Pandemic hangover: Victoria Beckham cuts dress prices 40% less.

Model wears backless dress from Victoria Beckham new collection with cut prices.

Good news for fashionistas and British fashion enthusiasts; Victoria Beckham has cut dress prices by almost 40% to adapt to the post-pandemic lifestyle. The stylish fashion designer wants her luxury brand to emerge from these challenging times with simpler designs and more affordable prices to match people’s disrupted budgets. As a result, Victoria Beckham expects … Read more

The first summer sales on our radar The best finds!

Buy better with our best finds from the summer sales.

The first summer sales are starting, and we’ve already scoured the internet looking for the best finds. And since our motto is to buy less and buy better, we are shopping strategically, selecting pieces with staying power. In other words, we hand-picked clothes keeping an eye on the fall/winter 2021 trends. We chose items to … Read more