Notorious Women #2: Vienna Design Week Director Lilli Hollein Putting Austrian design on the map.

Lilli Hollein, the director of Vienna Design Week.

Welcome to our Notorious Women series that brings you, once a month, the profile of extraordinary women from all walks of life. This time, we talked to Lilli Hollein, director of VIENNA DESIGN WEEK, who managed to organise a COVID-19 proof event for 2020 with her team in the Austrian capital. Who is Lilli Hollein? … Read more

Notorious Women #1: Sabine Wiedenhofer at Galerie Kovacek If Walls Could Talk.

The awarded Austrian artist Sabine Wiedenhofer, whose work "If Walls Could Talk" is at Galerie Kovacek, photographed in front of one of her paintings

Welcome to our first article from the series Notorious Women, that will bring you, once a month, the profile of extraordinary women from all walks of life. We are honoured to start Notorious Women with Austrian artist Sabine Wiedenhofer, who is exhibiting her latest work, “If Walls Could Talk“, at Galerie Kovacek contemporary. Sabine Wiedenhofer … Read more