For years, we’ve been chanting the mantra “Girls Supporting Girls.” It’s all about creating a positive and generous environment where women from all walks of life are celebrated for their accomplishments. But it seems Melania Trump isn’t invited to this supportive group. On the contrary, the new First Lady of the United States has become the favourite target of the so-called mean girls, bullied by the very people who advocate for a world where strong women hold top positions of power. Notorious isn’t pro-Trump or pro-Melania… haha. But we don’t like injustice.
Melania Trump, Immigrant and Model
Every article we read about Melania seems to start with the explanation that she’s Slovenian. She became an American citizen in 2006. In general, references to her origins tend to highlight her accent when speaking English or remind readers that the First Lady comes from a modest background but was ambitious enough to conquer the Western world as a model. These statements are dripping with prejudice and discrimination.
On the contrary, according to the “Girls Supporting Girls” ethos, we should be celebrating the fact that she’s the first foreign-born First Lady of the United States. She’s a woman who, for decades, built a successful career as a model before marrying and having her first child. Regardless of your political stance, Melania can be an inspiration for many immigrant women who often work under challenging conditions. Why aren’t we using her story to discuss the intersection of immigration, gender, and ambition? These are timely topics that could inspire meaningful discussions.

The Trump White House Archived, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Oh, Melania and Her Nude Photos!
This is where the hypocrisy hits hardest. The free and modern world shouts about women’s rights, especially their right to control their own bodies. Yet, when Melania Trump poses nude, we become more puritanical than a congregation of Quakers.
Come on, “Girls Supporting Girls”, wouldn’t it be more productive to use the First Lady as an example and launch an educational campaign aimed at young women? Let’s take the opportunity to explain to girls that their privacy and their bodies are the most valuable assets they own.
We should also have honest conversations about the risks of platforms like OnlyFans. While often marketed as empowering, they can serve as gateways to pornography—an industry that is linked to cycles of exploitation and violence against women. Wouldn’t it make sense to suggest Melania takes the lead in an initiative to educate young women that their privacy and their bodies are the most valuable assets they own? She can use her experience as an example of why women deserve both respect and protection.
Instead of judging Melania, why not challenge her to use her platform for the greater good? For instance, she could spearhead campaigns focused on educating women and girls about self-worth, career opportunities beyond exploitation, and the importance of self-respect.

U.S. Department of State, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons
Girls Supporting Girls Is for All Women, Including Melania
Melania Trump is at the top of the world, engaging with decision-makers like Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos. So, rather than belittling her talents or assuming she’s merely submissive as Trump’s wife, let’s celebrate her achievements. It’s time to demand that she becomes a voice for women now and in the future. Let’s admit that Melania has reached the top and can use her position to help women achieve a more dignified place in society.
She could advocate for the overlooked rights of homemakers, working to recognise their contributions as essential to the economy. She could fight for policies that better balance the lives of working mothers by advocating for affordable childcare or flexible work arrangements. Above all, she could use her global platform to inform and empower young women, turning her own experiences into lessons for others.
By framing Melania as a potential ally rather than an adversary, we can push for change that benefits all women. Imagine the impact if she chose to focus on campaigns for gender equality, women’s education, and fair representation. Isn’t it worth at least exploring this possibility?
Let’s Expand Our Vision of Feminism
With an open mind and a focus on what matters to us as women, Melania Trump could become an effective tool in fighting for a fairer and more supportive society. Inclusivity is a core value of feminism, and that means we must extend the “Girls Supporting Girls” spirit to all women—even those we don’t personally admire.
Instead of dismissing Melania outright, why not engage her as an advocate for issues that matter? Whether she accepts or declines the challenge is less important than showing that feminism can rise above petty divisions and truly aim for progress.
Featured Image – The White House from Washington, DC, Public domain, via Wikimedia Commons